Rezumat Modul Jean Monnet

Modulul Jean Monnet “Modele de europenizare în Europa Centrală și de Est” se concentrează pe un subiect dezbătut – totuși insuficient explorat – mecanismele europenizării în cele mai noi state membre ale Uniunii Europene. Acest subiect dobândește o deosebită importanță în contextul actual, care plasează UE sub presiuni multiple (de ex., conflictul din Ukraina, “criza […]

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JM Module description

The Jean Monnet Module “Patterns of Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe” focuses on a debated, yet insufficiently explored, field of the European studies – the mechanisms of Europeanization in the “newest member-states”. This becomes of topical importance in the current context, which places the EU under multiple pressures (i.e. the conflict in Ukraine, the […]

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Modul Jean Monnet 2016

Course 1: Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe Associate Professor: Loredana Radu, PhD Short description: For decades now, in seeking to address EU democratic deficit, communication scholars and political scientists have focused on two interrelated processes: Europeanization and the emergence of the European public sphere. If one could summarize the academic debate in one single […]

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