Jean Monnet Chair

Principalul obiectiv al Jean Monnet Chair ”EU Communication and the Public Sphere” este de a crea un nou curs pe tema sferei publice europene, de care vor beneficia 150 de masteranzi şi 30 de doctoranzi din cadrul SNSPA, precum şi 60 de reprezentanţi ai societăţii civile. Acesta este primul curs în care este abordată relaţia complexă dintre politica de comunicare a UE, sfera publică europeană şi identitatea europeană.

Profesorul Jean Monnet este Alina Bârgăoanu, rector al SNSPA şi profesor universitar în cadrul Facultăţii de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice, unde predă câteva cursuri dedicate comunicării în context european.

Obiectivele profesorului Jean Monnet sunt de a:

  • stimula reflecţia, predarea şi cercetarea pe tema încă insuficient explorată a comunicării şi sferei publice europene;
  • creşte nivelul de cunoaştere şi conştientizare a diferitelor aspecte referitoare la UE, cu o atenţie sporită acordată EU Communication şi sferei publice europene;
  • contribui la profesionalizarea EU communication în România ca un domeniu distinct de expertiză, cu un rol important în soluţionarea crizelor de legitimitate şi comunicare ale UE;
  • stimula cetăţenia activă şi participarea publică în zona afacerilor europene.

Activităţi principale:

  • crearea unei noi activităţi de predare şi a suportului de curs pentru cursul de Media and the European Public Sphere (beneficiari: 50 de masteranzi/an);
  • crearea unui curs teoretic de Media and the European Public Sphere pentru doctoranzii în domeniul Comunicare (beneficiari: 10 de doctoranzi/an);
  • stimularea cercetării doctorale în domeniul Media and the European Public Sphere;
  • organizarea de sesiuni de formarea pe tema Media and the European Public Sphere, dedicate membrilor societăţii civile (beneficiari: 10 reprezentanţi/an);
  • diseminarea şi promovarea rezultatelor proiectului (pagina web, dezbateri, carte).

The general goal of this Jean Monnet Chair is to create a new course focused on Media and the European Public Sphere and to deliver it to 150 MA students and 30 Ph.D. students, as well as to 60 civil society key members, who do not automatically come into contact with European integration studies. This is the very first course approaching the complex relation among EU communication, European public sphere, and EU identity, thus posing the very important problem of the emergence of a European(ized) public sphere.

The JM Chair holder is Prof. Alina Bârgăoanu, the Rector of NUPSPA. As a full-time professor, she is affiliated to the College of Communication and Public Relations, where she teaches several courses focused on communication and European integration.

The project aims at:

  • stimulating reflection, teaching, and research on EU Communication and the European Public Sphere, understood as a new and intriguing side of European integration studies;
  • enhancing knowledge and awareness among academics, students, and civil society on various aspects of European integration, with a special focus on EU Communication and the European Public Sphere;
  • contributing to the professionalization of EU communication in Romania as a special field of expertise, with a great potential in solving Europe’s communication and legitimacy crises;
  • stimulating active citizenship and public participation on various aspects related to European integration topics (i.e. EU communication, EU Media, European identity, European citizenship) through yearly roundtable debates.

Project key activities are as follows:

  • create a teaching activity and teaching materials on Media and the European Public Sphere for the students enrolled in the MA in Communication (50 students/year), who do not automatically come into contact with European integration studies;
  • create a theory-driven teaching activity and teaching materials on Media and the European Public Sphere for the Ph.D. students in Communication (10 students/year), who do not automatically come into contact with European integration studies;
  • stimulate sound doctoral research focused on Media and the European Public Sphere;
  • training sessions on Media and the European Public Sphere for key representatives of the civil society in Romania (20 representatives/year);
  • dissemination activities (e.g. dedicated web page, lectures, roundtable debates, and a book that offers a multilateral perspective on EU Communication).